Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday's Travels

This post won't be as long as some as it is bedtime and we have to be ready to leave at 7:15 in the morning. Today we traveled 3 hours each way and it made for a very long day. We went to Embu Main and Women's Prison. This morning at the men's prison it was awesome. Paster Stan preached on transformation and used the illustration of a catipillar and a butterfly and just as he was finishing a butterfly actually flew by. We had about 75% of the men to get saved out of about 400. They sang for us and then we had the service. This was the worse prison I have been in meaning the quarters where the men had to stay were awful. I've never been in a US prison, but I don't think our prisoners have to sleep in tin buildings with dirt floors, etc.
In the early afternoon we went to the woman's prison. This prison had about 80 women with 15 children. It is so odd to me to see little children running around the prisons, but that is what they do. This was also a good service. We left 2 brand new sewing machines for the women to use and they seemed really excited to have gotten them.
Now for my travel experiences. Today we didn't see any new animals, but did you know that they grow rice in Africa. I just always thought that Asia was the place for growing rice. Well, not so. We saw miles and miles and miles of rice fields today. They other thing we saw alot of was banana plantations. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

This picture is very clear, but I took it driving down the road. This is a banana tree.
This is rice growning.

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